Mayan Adventure Return to the Earth to Dance among the Stars

Lake Atitlan & Copan

April 15 - 29 2016

Wisdom keepers, Martien & Teressena Bakens, and Mayan master teacher, Miguel Angel Vergara invite you to listen to the call of the Maya and join us on an inspiring journey to open our hearts, illuminate our minds, elevate our vibration and expand consciousness. Lake Atitlan, in the highlands of Guatemala is the heart of the Maya land, where the creative expression inspired by Mother Earth abounds. In this place of natural beauty, we will "return" to the Earth in sacred ceremony, deeply connecting with the elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Ether.
Our guide Miguel Angel here at Copan.

Lake Atitlan

Inspired Artistry

The Markets and weavings are spectacular! Creativity abounds in the colors and artistry that tell the story of the Maya. Truly inspiring to awaken your own creative expression.

cave - Ceremony

Inside the cave, in sacred ceremony, we connect through the womb of Mother IX-Chel with Grandma IX-Mu-Kane, in the fire in the core of the Earth, to transform and purify our hearts for personal and collective vision.

Fire ceremony

We create beautiful ceremony with sweet offerings to Mother Earth in a sacred cave near Panajachel.


We will have the possibility to hike up to the Volcano to connect with their potent and powerful fire energy and awaken it within ourself.

Transportation to Copan

We transfer to Copan in Honduras in our private convenient bus, where we will spend the next five days, connecting to the Heart of the Sky and the star ancestors. The museum, grounds and stellea are so spectacular it will take us a few days to deeply connect to this place that transforms the heart. On our way we will enjoy the landscape and be open to magic unfolding.


Copan Museum

Enter the Serpent, ingest the wisdom


The ball courts show a window into other realms, through a game often misunderstood. Are you willing to step through that window and experience new possibilities?

Stellae extra-ordinaire

The stella, carved on 4 sides can be studied for a life-time, yet truly connecting with one may open pathways of understanding the expanses of the cosmos.


The birds and wild-scape are an intricate part of the jungle we will be visiting these days. Why did the Maya here adorn their ball-court with the Macaw image, come and find out!


Places we stay reflect the heart of the Maya

We will reside in the vicinity of the lake with marvelous views. The natural beauty of Lake Atitlan and the three great volcanos - Atitlan, Talisman and San Pedro - allow us to connect with Mother Earth through all the elements. In ceremony on the lake, we commune with the waters of the Mother and with Opheleah, the crystal skull, and receive the activation of the crystal codes of light within.

Enter the temple of light


Your journey registration includes all lodging, admissions, transfers, pick up and return to airport in Guatemala and Honduras, opening and closing dinners, and all ceremonies, and teachings. Does not include airfare and meals. Deposit of $500 required by January 30 2016.

Created By
Martien Bakens

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