CLC open house-Jan 28 Jr. Kindergarten and Sr. Kindergarten

Central Learning Center values a Christian-based education. We want children to strive to do well in school and in life. We feel it is our job to equip them with the tools they need to do this. Please take a moment to learn more about our 5-year-old classrooms. Stop by January 28 between 4:30 and 7:00 to meet the lead teachers and pick up some information about our school.

In Jr. K your child will be introduced to a school-like setting. The schedule runs like a Sr. K room in order for your child to be more prepared for the next year. This instills the confidence that children need to succeed. We also have an individualized teaching setting in Jr. K. This helps the children learn at their own pace and gives them to opportunity to ask more questions regarding things they are unsure of.

In our full-day senior kindergarten class, our goal is to prepare our students for first grade. We will focus on reading with phonics, sharpening our writing skills, and learning numbers skills. In addition to daily Bible lessons, we also teach science, social studies, health education, and thinking/learning skills.

Each day there is plenty of time to explore and play to learn new things that spark interest.

We like to have people come in that might help children decide how to use their God given talents later in life.

Managerie Farms
  • We provide special classes that enhance our academic program. These classes include art, library, Spanish, and music that meet weekly.
  • We present a Bible lesson each week that teaches the children to have a Christ-like attitude.
  • Our curriculum is challenging and fast paced so that each child develops better decision making skills.
  • We also take fun and educational field trips that encourage children to try new things.

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