The Lawn Chair Concert Series music and people

Join us in creating a beautiful evening of music. Roger Alan Wade, Guy Marshall, Kelsey's Woods, Carolina Story and many other wonderful artists have shared their talents with us.

The Lawn Chair Concert Series is a place for family and friends to relax and enjoy music & community.

Our guests may bring a picnic or enjoy the food truck offerings.

The shows are free to our community & We are serious about the ambiance of The Lawn Chair Concert Series. We strive to maintain a "VIBE" of family, community and care. With these ideas we move forward with open minds to find new and different ways to benefit our sponsors who provide this gift to the community.


This season we welcome new artist into the fold as we grow our Lawn Chair Family. Our hope is to build a sense of reunion between the listener and the music by creating a familiarity with returning artist.

for more information contact

Amy Boling & Shandy Dixon

423.593.0293 or MAMAJAM34@GMAIL.COM

Thank you for your consideration.

Let's do something good together

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