Eyes and Ears of the Spirit Scoll down for more photos

Clinicians Alice-Ann Darrow and Julie Novak signing with Dennis Kelly, member of St. Mary of the Mount's deaf choir.
Rita Mae Visco, member of St. Mary of the Mount's deaf choir signs with Alice-Ann Darrow.
Michael Bobanic, President of the Deaf Council at St. Mary of the Mount poses with Julie Novak.
Julie Novak speaks to the audience at the public workshop.
Julie Novak signing The Lord's Prayer.
Members of the deaf choir feeling vibrations created by low-registration organ music.
Fr. Michael Stumpf, Pastor at St. Mary of the Mount
Dennis Kelly, member of the deaf choir
Randi Kelly, member of the deaf choir
Rita Mae Visco, member of the deaf choir
Irene Hearn, member of the deaf choir
Michael Bobanic, President of the deaf council and member of the deaf choir
from left to right: Vickie D'Avanzo, interpreter and Amanda Bruce, Director of Music Ministry at St. Mary of the Mount
Alice-Ann Darrow and Julie Novak signing with the audience

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