Chalk it up Chalk can be messy but... inside a mess we often find creaTivity.

We interrupt your normally scheduled screen time to inform you...

Chalk is coming, and taking over the Toy Hall of Fame with facts even judges can't deny.

It is a definite win for chalk this year!


Did you know that Rochester , NY contains the largest collection of toys, dolls, games and electronics? In order to be inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame, a toy must have icon status, longevity, discovery and innovation.
Iconstatus: the toy is widley regonized, respected, and remembered.
Longevity: been around for multiple generations.
Creativity and discovery: the toy triggers imagination and learning.

Why should you nominate chalk?


Did you know chalk was around in pre-historic times? According to archeologists, it helped create some of the earliest cave paintings dating back as far as 2,000 B.C.

Chalk is made from the bones of tiny sea creatures otherwise known as sea plankton

In 1972 Graize Di Curtatone, Italy, hosted one of the first ever annual chalk festivals, promoting artwork made entirely with chalk.


Chalk is commonly found in nature in dry marshlands.

As artists began to use it more they realized it was a much better artistic option rather than using ink and making a mistake, then having to start over.

Chalk was one of the first colored art utensils to be discovered other then a colored pencil.

Creativity and discovery

Chalk has unlimited creatiive possibilities

It triggers imagination, and children can draw anything they want.

The most common games played with chalk include hangman, tic tac toe , four square and hopscotch

I thought they would never find us

Quick we must hide

No Time we must run

To the Toy Hall of Fame

Click the link below to see old nominees and stay safe from the chalk invasion

Created with images by jenni from the block - "Sidewalk Chalk" • fdecomite - "Chalk Corridor" • John-Morgan - "Chalk"

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