Portola The little town I live in.

"The Hidden Neighborhood"

In this slide, it describes the little town I live in. As a part of the CAST community, we drive into our identity and find little hidden things that we might not realize ourselves. The history from our families or our community can play a role to our identity.

Since the day I was born, I lived in a town (district) called Portola. This little town consisted of many small businesses that many of the immigrants created when they moved to the USA. Before, it used to be filled with Italian and Jewish, but because they moved out, many of the Chinese immigrants decided to make small business of their own here and creating a community. Flourishing and thriving with small businesses, this little town continues to stay lively as years pass by.

This hidden town is crowded with Chinese businesses and people. With the days constantly busy and filled with people, it's hard to lose a sense of place.

With the many restaurants flourishing in this community, there are memories spread throughout this area. The many times I enter a restaurant with my family and laughed about our stories. The laughter and the ability to bring family and friends give it a more enjoyable experience

San Francisco has only one drawback, 'tis hard to leave. - Rudyard Kipling
The street is filled with asian business. Almost every corner I go to, there is an asian business that you can go to.
These small business creates a community that the people who lives here can enjoy.
Besides the asian small businesses surrounding the area, there are other businesses that we enjoy as well.
This deli shop is a small business. The people there are amazing and the food are amazing as well.
Within the deli shop, there is art that surrounds the place, outside and inside.
As we move further into Portola, there are schools and educational resources for the children living in this area.
We live in a world that has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood-Lyndon B. Johnson
Every individual has a place to fill in the world and is important in some respect whether he chooses to be so or not. -Nathaniel Hawthorne
Staying happy is my goal and in this little area, this would be consider a place that I would enjoy and feel comfortable staying in. My home describes who I am and removing this place from me is removing a piece of my identity away.

As I walked around my neighborhood, I can a realization that this what identifies as myself. I feel comfortable with this community as a part of my life. With Victor Landweber photos as my inspiration, I've noticed that my little town consist of many small asian business. Because of the community thriving with businesses, I made many memories in my life with my family and friends. As I reflect back, this town had always been a part of my life. I continue to walk pass it everyday and enter into the stores that I like. As years pass, this little town of mines will change and I won't be able to experience the same community as I did in the past. However, I will always remember the memories I've created and look back on how this community shaped my life.

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