KAUST-NVIDIA workshop 2016

Computational Scientist from KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory, Dr. Saber Feki, workshop chair, presents the program

Professor David Keyes gives the opening talk, Preparing for the Grand Convergence

A car with computational power
Keynote on Deep Learning

Many attendes interested on Deep learning

Deep Learning is hot topic

Many interesting information about Deep Learning

One Architecture end-to-end AI

Digits Devbox

Dr. Zouheir Rezki presents his work on Detection algorithms for massive MIMO on a GPU platform

Detection Algorithms for Massive MIMO on a GPU platform
Detection algorithms for massive MIMO on a GPU platform

Dr. Hatem Ltaeif presents his work about adaptive optics simulation for the world's biggest eye on multicore architectures with multiple GPUs

Adaptive Optics Simulation for the World's Biggest Eye on Multicore Architectures with Multiple GPUs

Ali Carata, PhD student talks about KBLAS: Redesigning Triangular Dense Matric Computations on GPUs

Waugh Boukaram, PhD student at KAUST present his work about high performance Hierarchical Matrix-Vector Multiplication using hardware accelerators

Brent Leback gives an OpenACC tutorial

OpenACC tutorial

Niall O'Byrnes from KAUST IT is presented the GPU resources

Anas Almousa, PhD student from KFUPM presents his work about Enabling the use of library Device routines from within OpenACC compute regions

Dr. Saber Feki from KSL talks about auto-tuning OpenACC accelerated kernels using machine learning and derivative free search algorithms

Jean Tachiji from Cary talks about CS-Storm

Closing remarks from Dr. Bilel Hadri from KSL

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