Beautiful like a Blowfly The Wildlife Art of Kate Cranney

I love trying to share how surprisingly beautiful ugly things can be – [like] centipedes crawling through the stomach of a dead sheep.

Ian Lunt: Last month I was privileged to interview three amazing, up-and-coming wildlife artists about their work. In this post, Kate Cranney talks about her love of nature and drawing. I hope you enjoy it.

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Kate Cranney and Friend

Kate: I grew up on a farm in western Queensland. I loved art as a kid, and I always loved being creative. I think the title pages on my projects in primary school were far more elaborate than the contents they held. Mum and dad always encouraged us to look closely at nature: at bower bird nests and cocoons and snake skins.

Growing up on a farm during the drought, there were lots of carcasses and flyblown sheep and dead fish in the dams. Maybe I was a little insensitive to, you know, how gross that might seem to other people, but I was always curious about that stuff. It was intriguing: seeing centipedes crawling through the stomach of a dead sheep.

Black-winged Stilt and Lake Wendouree (Ink and paper, 2014).

I moved to Melbourne to study art but then I missed science so much that I changed my degree to a Masters of Botany. My artwork is focused on insects and fish; I do fine ink drawings with collage and watercolour. I started drawing with ink when I was taking public transport to uni. I couldn’t study on the ferry and bus or I’d get car-sick, so I drew.

I enjoy doing works that are aesthetically pleasing and educational as well. I’m working on a series called “Drawn to Science”. I’ll interview a research scientist and then do a drawing of their study subject. Recently I’ve been working on a project on insect ecology. Flies are beaut-i-ful underneath a microscope: they have metallic greens and blues and patterned wings. They’re stunning.

My favourite type of drawing is when I don’t know what I’m going to do before I start. Suddenly I’ll draw something and it’ll be something that I saw yesterday without realizing it. I think I store up memories of things that I’ve seen.

Paul Klee said, “drawing is taking a line for a walk."

I love the spontaneity of that. In a similar vein, I think the joy in creating makes it far easier for me to part with the work because I know that I had such a lovely time with that piece of paper.

Dusky Antechinus in the Otways (ink and watercolour, 2015).

You can draw wherever you are – when you’re on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere when you’re traveling. I always make sure I have access to pen and paper so that it’s always there.

I’m so happy to have art as part of my life now. It’s a core part of me. I squeeze it in – in the corners of the week. If I didn’t do it, I wouldn’t be nearly as happy.

For a different view of Kate's drawings, try turning your device on its side.

All illustrations are by Kate Cranney, used with permission. You can view more of Kate’s work at her web site.

You may also enjoy my interviews with artists Rachel Hollis and Milly Formby.

Written and designed by Ian Lunt, 2015. The original transcript has been edited and condensed to improve readability. This interview was originally posted at the wonderful Wild Melbourne web site.

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Created By
Ian Lunt
All artwork by Kate Cranney

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