FREELAND By: Becky cicero

The Mining Town of Colorado here is Freeland. The year that this mining town was founded was 1880. So it was found pretty long ago. It is a Ghost Town, so no one lives there. The current population is 0. The most people that ever lived there (peak population) was 400. The elevation of Freeland is 9,209 feet (2,807 meters). The mineral mined at Freeland is gold. Freeland is a gold mine. Freeland is near Idaho Springs.

This is just a picture of gold, because that is what they mine at Freeland.
This is a historical picture of Freeland.
These photos are just showing different areas of Freeland.
This photo is just a pinpoint of Freeland on a map.

Facts: Freeland soon had a population of a little over 400. There was 80 cabins and frame houses, two stores, a saloon, and a public school. It was a peaceful community. As with many other mining towns, Freeland depended upon the mines for it's survival. When the mines faded, so did Freeland. The route to Freeland is lined with dumps. ONLY THE INTERESTED WILL GO TO THE GHOST TOWN OF FREELAND.


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