Extraction Artisan Coffee The Journey vol 5 - Who knew?

You often hear people say 'if I knew how hard it was going to be I probably wouldn't have done it.'

We've been asking ourselves this question and the answer is yes, we would have done it. The alternative; sit back in our comfortable life and in 20 years regret never having had a red hot go. When we look back over our 17 year relationship, everything we've done in the past has been leading up to Extraction.

Our love of coffee, food, friends, hospitality and good times is the essence of Extraction.
In the last month, we've taken a big step forward with ground works.

These images show the cutting of the slab for drainage and water, for what will be our beautiful and highly functional commercial kitchen.

This work was completed in one and a half days. 

A grease trap was fitted outside the building in front of the roller doors. A large pit was dug and a 2000 litre blue container was placed inside. It's a trap for grease coming from the kitchen. It's compulsory and it cost a lot of money.

All the plumbing has been completed by coffee lovers Tru Flow Services. They were professional, quick and really excited about our venture. 
Adding the pipe work and filling in the concrete took another day. 

Council requires a ceiling over the kitchen space so Alex has been working with Bits of Steel at Brendale and builder Graham Stone, measuring and specifying what will be needed to get this completed.

Alex and Graham checking the levels. 
Alex's trade background has been hugely important to this project. His attention to detail will ensure it's done right the first time.
It's so close now, we can taste it, visualise it and yet it remains just out of our reach.

Our house is still on the market. We came very close to selling but alas the deal fell through so I guess it wasn't the right time. We know the right couple is out there and we remain positive the universe is looking out for us to help us move forward with the next step of the journey.

Think only positive thoughts for us and in the meantime drink good coffee and support your local small businesses.
Created By
Heather Scott

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