Tech Tip Thursday March 31, 2016

It's no secret that I love Google Drive. In fact, I haven't personally created a Word document in over year! One of the most useful features of Drive is the ability to quickly share documents with others.

But did you know that you can turn any Google Doc into a simple web page? This is a fantastic feature if you need to get information online quickly, or if you want to take the word processing tools out of the equation.

With a few clicks of your mouse, you can publish any doc to the web to share with anyone at any time!

Here's How it Works:

Open a Google Document

Google offers a FREE all-in-one suite with word processing tools that are similar to the tools in Microsoft Office.

To access your Drive, go to and click the 3x3 grid in the right hand corner of the screen. This grid is your access to all things Google!

Once you are in your Drive, click the red New button to create a new document or open a document that is ready to be published.

You can publish any Doc, Sheet, Slide, or Drawing from your Drive as a simple web page!

Publish the Document to the Web

Once you are ready to publish your document, go to File > Publish to Web.

Users can receive a link or an embed code for the web page.

Select the appropriate settings and click Publish or Start Publishing.

Google Docs

Google Slides offer more options when publishing to the web.

Google Slides

Share the Link

Copy the link and share it out with others! That's all there is to it!

Quick Tip:

If the URL is too long, go to to receive a shortened URL for FREE! Keep in mind that the shortened URL is case-sensitive, so be mindful of lowercase and capital letters.


If you want to stop publishing the document, simply follow the same steps and select Stop Publishing. Afterwards, users will no longer be able to access the web page!

Implementation Ideas:

Wondering how you can use this awesome feature? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

  • Publish Newsletters. Rather than printing out hard copies, share out the link with parents - save a few trees!
  • Publish Class Projects and Rubrics. Once you have assigned a project, publish the instructions and/or rubric to the web. Students and parents can access the assignment information anywhere and at any time.
  • Create a "Pre-Show". Have a slideshow playing when students enter the classroom each day that includes important vocabulary, examples, and TEKS.
  • Introduce Activities to Students. Create a document with instructions for the day's activities and display it while students work.
  • Publish Student Work. Create a class scrapbook/portfolio in Google Slides. This is a great way to showcase student work!
  • Easily Differentiate Assignments. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe board with various options for students to complete.

View Some Examples:

Want More Information?

Please Contact Me!

Laura Sprinkle - Digital Learning Specialist
Created with images by FirmBee - "ipad mockup apple" • Hans - "window shutters home" • tookapic - "office binders colorful" • cogdogblog - "Life is Sharing" • cocoparisienne - "chairs folding chairs seat" • lena1 - "london phone telephone booth"

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