Weekly Wow November 12, 2015

We all ask our students to do some form of research in our classes, and yesterday I learned from a new Twitter follower about a kid-safe search engine that I had not seen before. Kiddle.co is a visual search engine powered by Google and made for elementary students. The links are to sites that will be easy for your students to read, and the images are all filtered to be labeled for reuse. What more can one ask for!

Today I learned about a new tool for formative assessment that uses your smart phone camera and cards instead of clickers or other student devices.

Plickers is intended to be used by teachers or other presentation leaders who want to easily and quickly assess their participants for understanding and it’s totally free.

You sign up, create your class, and add your students. Once you add students, you assign them to a card number (so each student has her own card) that s/he uses all the time, and then you are ready. Create your first set of multiple choice questions that can be answered with A, B, C, or D. When you project the question, the students then hold up their individual card and you use your camera to scan. Results show up for you so you can see who gets it and who may not.

You can view a middle school math lesson using Plickrs by clicking the link below

UPDATE: I printed the Plicker cards, quickly made a class, and tried this with 4W. Kids loved it and I got some valuable information. Easy to use— give it a try.

I came across a great idea today while on Twitter, and it’s "6 Uses of Google Slides that AREN’T Presentations". There are some cool ideas and templates for you to peruse including games like Frazzle (inspired by $100,000.00 Pyramid), Choose Your Own Adventure stories, an idea for a 1-slide newsletter- nice- and more.

I hope you enjoy trying out some of these ideas! If you do, Tweet me saying so.

Created with images by skyseeker - "Skyseeker original calendar." • Luke,Ma - "iPhone 5, Taipei, Taiwan" • GoodNCrazy - "HTC Windows 8X Cell phone smart phone" • Dru Bloomfield - At Home in Scottsdale - "Smart Mobile Phone Line-up" • khawkins04 - "Free sign" • TooFarNorth - "a" • ~Brenda-Starr~ - "Alphabet 3" • TooFarNorth - "c25" • blickpixel - "letters abc alphabet" • John Spencer - EdRethink - "Power Point Paragraphs"

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