How people with disabilities can use Localift Lifts with People you know

People with special transport needs

People with disabilities requiring special vehicles or hoists are most challenged with transport. Localift can support the arranging of lifts in a number of ways.

  • Initiate lifts requests on your own or have family, friends or carers initiate them for you using our Linked Passenger feature.
  • Create a lift group that includes family, friends or carers who have appropriate vehicles to support your travel requirements.
  • Create a lift group that includes taxi drivers who have helped you in the past. These are the drivers who you know are equipped to transport you. Localift's tracking feature means that you will know when the driver is approaching and loved ones can be notified when you have safely reached your destination.
When your family and friends are not available to give you a lift send a request to your wheelchair friendly taxi lift group. One request can be sent to multiple drivers, making it easier to organise a lift.

People with guide dogs

If you have a guide dog, create lift groups with people you know who are happy to give both you and your companion a lift. Create a separate lift group for taxi drivers you have travelled with before when family and friends are not available.

Community Buses

If your community offers a bus or shuttle service Localift is a great App to book who will be travelling. Create a lift group for community members who regularly attend the same outings or events. These can be one off or recurring lifts.

The Offer Lift function makes it easy to co-ordinate how many seats are available. The driver or community manager simply sends out a Lift Offer with the number of bus seats available and community members opt in as required.

Those requiring a lift simply accept the Offer and let you know where they would like to be picked up. The driver receives a confirmation of who is travelling, along with an optimised route accounting for the passengers who have joined the lift.

Localift's tracking means that family members and carers can see the lift journey and know when to expect their loved ones at their destination.

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