Walk with me cups Patent pending Beautiful Multi-Purpose dishes by Paula Kay

Versatile cups for measuring, walking, drinking, cooking, storing and eating

6 function "Walk with Me" collection.

Cup neatly fits under saucer - a bit of food on the plate and the "walk with me" cup earns its name

Steam ridges. Turn saucer upside down on top of cup and microwave safely

Walk with me cups reduce waste packaging. Versatility! - saves

Corporate or team colors, home or commercial - spill less, enjoy more

Hotel branding, corporate, and pretty much everyone use walk with me cups. Put a croissant on the saucer and walk - one hand, no spills.

Storage too. Eat, put a saucer on top and put in refrigerator. Take out, put in microwave and heat.


Windowed or not, these beautiful patent pending cups and saucers "walk with me"

Different materials, glass, silicates, plastics all make beautiful utility as they say "form follows function"

Cook rice or hot stuff with saucer on top with exclusive, patent pending steam venting - A veritable kitchen in a cup

One cup and saucer does the duty of measuring, walking, cooking, storing, eating and drinking. The versatile walk with me cups replaces measuring, cookware, storage, and eating dishes. 6 in one patent pending technology.

Ceramic, stoneware and clay is beautiful too.

The saucer indentations are exactly 2.5 teaspoons and on the other side 1/2 teaspoon. The cup is marked in 1/4 cup increments and holds exactly one cup.

Look closely, see the measuring marks? Walk with me cups measure up.

Each cup holds one cup. Easy measuring and storage. The saucer holds 2.5 teaspoons on one side and 1/2 a teaspoon on the other side.

Coffee, tea, rice, soup, popcorn, cake, noodles and more are made in the Paula Kay collection. 

Measuring marks

Patent Pending

Walking cups make walking with cup easier. Storage, Cooking, Single dining, Guests, are a snap.

Call Michael Hoffman 701-770-9118

"Walk with me" is trade marked, "Paula Kay" is trade marked. Two patents pending, plus one design patent pending.

Presented by Pj Wellness Partnership

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