Achievement Badges What they mean

What is an Achievement badge?

Achievement badges are given to those who have made an accomplishment in a field.

Such as medical.




You can create your own too.

Achievement Badges

For different accomplishments

Pirate Leader Badge

Leading and building with staff and students.

Building like a Pirate Badge

Always building with: Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask & Analyze, Transformaion and Enthusiasm.

Level UP your students Badge

Always taking your students to the next level.

Spreading Learning Love Badge

Always showing the love of teaching and learning with students, staff and family.

Student Growth Badge

Always teaching and promoting student growth.

Hello Kitty Pirate Badge

Leading with the sills of a pirate teacher and a love of teaching.

Striking Lightning Badge

Bringing electricity to your classroom with passion.

Science Badge

Bringing amazing science to the classroom.

Social Badge

Being a true digital citizen and using social media effectively.

Empathy Badge

Showing student empathy and marking new beginnings.

Rapport Hour Glass Badge

Spreading rapport and making great use of time.

Digital Teacher Badge

Leading both digitally and effectively with students.

Rocket Badge

Always reaching for the stars with students.

Anchor Badge

Having an impact on learning.

Cat Badge

Being both cuddles and fierce with learning.

Key Badge

Unlocking learning in the classroom

Dedication Badge

Always being dedicated

Coffee Edu Badge

Edu over coffee everyday

Music Badge

Achievement in music.

Balloon Badge

Always soaring high in education.

Spark Badge

Sparking learning.

Boxing Badge

Knocking out reading goals.

Power Wing Badge

Giving students wind beneath their wings

Pigeon Badge

Always trying their best.

Coach Star Badge

Star coach and teacher

Water Badge

Always being there

School Spirit Badge

You have spirit, yes you do!

Butterfly Badge

Always letting students grow.

Hope Badge

Spreading Hope to students

Ninja Badge

Being a ninja in teaching

Writing Badge

Promoting writing in the classroom

Magic Bottle Badge

Sprinkles student inspiration

Whistle Badge

For teaching great PE

Owl Badge

Bringing amazing reading to the classroom

Geometry Badge

Showing love of math in the classroom

Created with images by Jim Linwood - "Environment Agency Badge" • johntrainor - "Woodruff Boy Scout Summer Camp 2009 Learning CPR-5" • GraceFamily - "Girl Scout Day Camp" • Leonid Mamchenkov - "img_2456" • woodleywonderworks - "beautiful [but deadly] square knot"

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