Letter of the Day A Blackbird Academy Instructional Theme

We've just wrapped up our latest instructional theme at Blackbird Academy: Letter of the Day!

The children started each day's lesson by learning about the letter's shape and sound and reciting the alphabet together. Then, they engaged in a variety of different projects and activities inspired by that letter. Please scroll on to see some examples...

On 'A' day, one of the activities was for everybody to stamp their own letter A to take home, using mini A-shaped sponges.

Step 1 in bubble painting? Blow some big bubbles!

On 'B' day, the children practiced blowing bubbles! They did some bubble dancing (essentially popping bubbles to music - always a favourite!) and also made bubble paintings, which involves pressing paper onto some paint-infused bubbles to make a cool pattern.

On 'C' day, the children painted a gigantic C for the classroom using cars!

Each day, the children participated in a song or feltboard story related to the day's letter, too! Here's Teacher Anna leading the group in 'Five Little Ducks' on 'D' day.

On 'G' day, the children made their own guitars from cereal boxes! Our little Blackbirds seem to adore anything musical, so this was a big hit.

Yum, ice cream! This delicious art was made on 'I' day.

On 'J' day, the children made these cool abstract patterns by rolling jellybeans in paint!

Another delicious project! Placing popcorn on 'P' day was great for fine motor practice.

These cute skunk puppets were a big hit on 'S' day! The children put on some very funny skunk plays after they made them.

On 'T' day, the children went on an I Spy mission around the classroom, searching for things that start with T with their telescopes.

On 'V' day, the children made a playdough volcano! They loved making it erupt over and over again with baking soda and vinegar.

For 'X' day, the children made this jar xylophone using water and food colouring, and took turns tapping out a tune.

On 'Y' day, the children used nubby yarn to create abstract paintings.

Each giant letter the children have worked on has been stuffed with scrap paper and stuck up high on our classroom wall. The children love admiring their work, and are frequently inspired to burst into the alphabet song!

Thank you for taking the time to read more about our Letter of the Day Theme! Please visit our Facebook page regularly for more glimpses into our classroom.

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Blackbird Academy

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