Catching Creativity Where Creativity, Pedagogy & Technology Intersect


Sun Path: Kindergarten students used Seesaw to take a photograph of their writing journals. Then they recorded their voices reading what they had written using "dot and say".

Sun Path: Kindergarten students are learning about U.S. symbols. In Book Creator, students identified each of five symbols and recorded their understanding of what each symbol represents. Students then exported their finished projects as video they uploaded to their Seesaw accounts.

Students worked together to create their books/video.

1st Grade

Sweeney: 1st grade students identified various structures of the body from the Project Lead the Way curriculum. Using iMovie they recorded a voiceover of their journal entry each body part. They uploaded their completed videos to their Seesaw accounts.

Students each created their own videos for this project.

Eagle Creek: 1st grade math students are studying time. They worked with the Farmyard app to create "A day on the farm" scenes (milking cows, planting crops, feeding animals, collecting eggs). They added the scenes to Book Creator along with images of clocks to indicate start and stop times for each chore. When finished, they recorded voiceover explaining the amount of elapsed time.

Although this was an independent project, students were actively engaged and collaborating with each other.

6th Grade

Students from the Explore Team at Pearson are working on their passion projects. One group chose to learn how to design and program with the Eggbot. They taught themselves how to do many different designs using online tutorials, but ran into some roadblocks. After an SOS tweet looking for an Eggbot expert, students used Skype to connect with Windell Oskay, Eggbot founder, to do some problem-solving. Students are currently working on a marketing plan to sell their products to students and clubs in our community to raise money and awareness for our makerspaces.

The EggBot is a compact, easy to use open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects!

7th Grade

7th grade choir is starting to rehearse a song in Latin. Because of the difficulty of the song, students will be using sheet music and an audio recording to listen and practice on their own. Then they will record themselves singing their part prior to rehearsing the song with the entire class. Using Explain Everything, they will annotate the sheet music and record their voice while playing an accompaniment track. This is a great performance assessment that will help the students practice in a safe place and will allow the teacher to evaluate them on an individual basis.

9th Grade

9th grade physical science students at West Junior High worked collaboratively in groups to calculate the velocity and acceleration of a helium balloon. Using video of the balloon rising, captured through iPhones, iPads, and other portable devices, students were able to perform a video analysis with Logger Pro software on their MacBooks. Students creatively designed an apparatus that would cause the balloon to rise as slowly as possible. This innovative approach to a lab served as a way for students to analyze data and gain a deeper understanding of kinematics.

MacBooks can be used in a lot of productive and creative ways. Here are just five places to get started: Preview, QuickTime, iMovie, iBooks Author, and... Chrome! Check out our blog for more information...

Preview is perfect for highlighting texts, editing pictures, or taking notes on a graphic organizer. Use it annotate images and PDFs: add shapes, text, drawings, highlights and more.

QuickTime can be used to display an iPad to a classroom, screencast (record your screen) to create flipped lessons or sub plans, or simply record audio files.

iMovie is your go-to video editing software. You can add videos, images, music, sound effects, and voice overs to projects.

iBooks Author allows creation of interactive ebooks that can be used on iPhones, iPads, and MacBooks. Books can include hyperlinks, images, videos, check-in quizzes, and interactive images that you can caption with hotspots.

Don't forget Chrome! Chrome is an incredibly powerful tool. There are great extensions to help you increase organization and productivity. You can also sync bookmarks and open windows across devices.

Did you know? You can use HTML code to make your Canvas course more interactive? For example, you can embed a YouTube video or Google Slides presentation into a Content Page. Students won't have to leave Canvas to view your video or slides and any edits you make in Google Slides automatically sync to update the presentation in Canvas. Read more on the DLC blog...

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Digital Learning Coaches

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