Senior Sweetheart Breakfast Chester Area Senior Housing

With griddles, tongs and jugs of cold OJ stowed securely in the SUV and a watchful eye on the weather, away we went for what promised to be an exciting adventure...making breakfast and spending time with our friends and neighbors at CASH!

Mr. Ed

A great way to extend all that Valentine's Day promises...sharing love and time with friends, family and loved ones...sometimes cooking and serving is one of the best ways to show you care!

We think everyone enjoyed to breakfast! Hats off to griddle master Ken, working magic with those blueberries!

Everyone gathered, young and young-at-heart, enjoying warm food and warmer fellowship.

Heartfelt thanks to all the hands that prepared, the neighbors that enjoyed, the children that helped and the awesome dude that got the water thawed out and flowing saved us!!

Thanks to Ginny, Lizabeth, Maxine, Ona, Jennifer, Megan, Robin, Angela, Julie, Vicki, Ken, Kris, Luke, John, Katie, Sydney, Anna, Kieran, Robbie, Sebastian and whomever donated the two beautiful ham and cheese quiches, they were a huge hit! Please forgive me for any names I have missed, every hand was appreciated!

Created By
Kristin Skipper
k s i s t i n s k i p p e r | photography

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