Featherpaws  The knight of of owl CREST 

This is a story manipulated by a mad scientist, who kidnaps animals for experimentation, creating lots of new species.
Dr Stein creates lots of jigsaw animals...Featherpaws is part owl, zebra and has cats paws. He has the feathers of an owl and the paws of a cat hence the name Featherpaws.
What hides behind The Manor House wall?
Lightning flashed across the sky followed by a deafening rumble. The old Manor House was illuminated by the burst of light.
Eventually,Featherpaws flew between the trees and out across a corn field, skimming the ears of corn with his paws, as his huge wings continued beating in a rhythmic motion.

Featherpaws. The Knights of Owl Crest Written and Illustrated by Heather Edwards

Featherpaws walked to the fountain extending his wings, letting the water droplets fall onto his feathers. He ruffled them up splashing in the cascading water, until he felt rejuvenated by his morning plunge.

For reading ages 8-14. A story demonstrating that we must care for our world and all its creatures.

They bid their farewells, and made their way through the streets of London.
Annie Softnose the local cat magically becomes entangled in a web of deceit.
"I don't know what I would have done without your friendship," shouted back Featherpaws.
Click...the door closed behind them. The animals found themselves standing in the main hall, a dark wooden staircase rose to the first floor.
Created By
Heather Edwards
Photography and illustrations by Heather Edwards Editing using photoshop and photo lab

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