God of Carnage Miners alley playhouse

Miners Alley Playhouse presents God of Carnage By Yasmina Reza

Directed by Len Matheo

Playwright Yasmina Reza earned the "Best Play" Tony award for the 2009 Broadway production of "God of Carnage"

A playground altercation between eleven-year old boys brings together two sets of Brooklyn parents for a meeting to resolve the matter. At first diplomatic niceties are observed, but as the meeting progresses, and the rum flows, tensions emerge and the gloves come off, leaving the couples with more than just their liberal principals in tatters.

Once again Miners Alley Playhouse gives audiences a chance to see talented local actors dig into good material in a stylish production. You may not know which side to take, but that's part of the fun.

Mark Collins and Lisa DeCaro

The Cast:

Augustus Truhn (Alan)

Lisa DeCaro (Veronica)

Emily Paton Davies (Annette)

Mark Collins (Michael)

Miners Alley Playhouse presents God of Carnage By Yasmina Reza Directed by Len Matheo September 9 – October 16, 2016

Adult content, strong language.

For more information call 303-935-3044

Miners Alley Playhouse is located at 1224 Washington Avenue. Golden, CO 80401.


Photo Credit Sarah Roshan Photography

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