Revolution Credit Technology Education Innovator | 2015 work sample

10-minute online course design for financial education

TEI designed an online consumer-facing course for Revolution Credit to build in-house for a top-5 US financial services firm.
A California fin-tech startup, Revolution Credit provides fast and effective web courses to build better money habits

Defining the target.

Revolution Credit hired TEI with very specific deliverables in mind: a course design to complement their existing portfolio and extended it to a new in-demand topic.

  • Deeply analyzed previous courses in the series
  • Drove decisions to improve consistency within courses
TEI designed toward a known design standard.

Instructional Design alternatives.

TEI provided two design alternatives, each with multiple activity options.

  • Deeply explores alternative participant motivations, personas
  • Provides visual and textual explanations of activity alternatives
  • Includes objectives, reviews, and knowledge-check descriptions
  • Facilitates design discussions based on multiple options
Two alternate course designs with options for each activity makes for quadruple the design!


TEI wrote a 15-page storyboard for a 10-minutes course. Details matter to the client and to us.

  • Provided direction to graphic artists
  • Carefully thought out timings for content, activities, reviews
  • Wrote scripting and detailed design notes

Tightly defined visuals with moment-by-moment descriptions.

Easily navigated client's financial-education goals.

Balanced creativity, clarity, and client's tone and branding.

Client communication.

TEI wrote "1-pager" course summaries to simplify decision making when it was time to choose among the course and activity alternatives.

  • Drove decision-making through clearly organized Skype sessions
  • Provided just enough information to make choices, with backup details as needed
When our clients provide courses for other global clients, simplifying decision making is critical.
Created By
Technology Education Innovator

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