The Holy Sabbath Day a Poem by Dr. A.Celestine Raj Manohar M.D.,

God created the things He thought

Over the six days of the week,

And being pleased with His own work,

The Sabbath Day of rest, He sought!

God made the Sabbath Day for man

So that his body, heart and mind,

From week-days’ drudgery, rest find,

And thereby increase his life’s span!

God made the Sabbath Day holy

So that man could be nearer God,

And keep his soul afilled with grace,

And keep the heaven’s road always!

The Sabbath Day is crucial

For man to keep off diseases

Those afflict him these modern days,

And add more years to life on earth.

The Sabbath is the answer to

The affluent illnesses that

Affect most men including stress,

Avoiding all things of excess!

Man, keep the Sabbath Day holy;

Give rest to body, mind and heart;

Cleanse soul from sins by divine art,

And do your duty for your part.

On this day, think of God much more,

And thank Him for His blessings shown;

Pray fervently from your heart’s core,

And keep off evils known, unknown!

For, holy, holy is the Lord

Of heavens, earth – the most high God;

Whatever He says may look odd;

All will be fine, heeding His Word!

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