Extra Terrestrials WAKE UP.

​Ah, one of our favorites.

The subject of ET’s has always been one cast in either ridicule or fear - and those that wish to prevent us from moving forward have worked very hard to keep it that way. They certainly don’t want people talking about it, and want those that do to either regurgitate misinformation and/or cast said information in fear.

You either started reading this piece to wanting to find a reason to laugh it off – and I give credit to those that have worked hard to program you to think that way - or you’ve been curious to find actual creditble information that resonates, and I hope this serves to give you that.

The reality is - to think that we are the only ones in the universe is absurd. Trillions of planets that span across the countless galaxies across the cosmos and to think that we are the only ones must mean you have fallen victim to one of the many types of programming. That or the ego-driven “if we can’t figure out faster-than-speed-of-light interstellar travel then no one can” scientific mindset that so many follow as well. It is funny when you realize that our basic schooling system omits explaining how vast the cosmos is – how big our universe is – simply contemplating and trying to wrap your head about its size. Sure, I certainly remember as a child being taught about planets, our solar system, stars and galaxies but never asked by my teachers to contemplate the vastness of our universe - how tiny we really are. Now that I understand the system in place though, you realize the last thing they want you thinking is outside the box. They don’t want you asking questions. They want your mental peripheral vision gone - the information fed to you narrow and focused and devoid of any ability to think for yourself. To avoid contemplating that maybe, just maybe there are others out there. To put aside our egotistical scientific mindsets and realize that these beings are hundreds if not thousands of years ahead of us technologically, spiritually and have found out how to travel faster than the speed of the light ages ago.

To think we are alone in all of this, is nonsense.

We’re now at a time now where humanity needs an awakening. Those that wish to keep us down certainly work very hard to do so, and those of us that wish to change this planet for the highest good need to stand up with equal vigor - and not with pitchforks. Not with mentality of fear or hate but one of unconditional love – both to those that have worked hard to suppress us, and to our beautiful visitors that wish to help us.

The reality is ET’s have been here for a long, long time and unlike what the mass consensus may say, a vast majority of them mean us no harm, wish us pure unconditional love and only wish to help. Though between Hollywood, television, and other types of media as I mentioned there is a silent war many are unaware of – one to skew the perspective of the population against our visitors into a negative one. A carefully arranged set of chess pieces to keep us from progressing spiritually and technologically. If they can’t control you through programming, they will certainly do it through fear. All you need to do is look at movies like “War of the Worlds”, "The Fourth Kind”, "Independence Day" or the countless amounts of fear-mongering “entertainment” that is constantly pushed out methodically into the public psyche.

.. and you wonder why they don't just "land on the White House lawn".

Those that are working hard to skew the perspective on the ET subject are working equally hard to prevent any attempts of communication. Misinformation, fear mongering, or complete ridicule - there is no limit to how far they'll go. A perfect example is the case of the “Phoenix Lights” where a ship hovered above the city for over an hour. Hundreds of written accounts and testimonials of the sighting, endless calls to the police and what happens the next day? The governor for the city of Phoenix calls a news conference in response to the public demand for information regarding the previous night.

Instead of telling the people the truth, the governor shamelessly dressed up his deputy in a alien costume and presented him to the media, and all of Phoenix as the “perpetrator” of the previous nights events. Needless to say, this angered everyone to no end. Now imagine how our friends up above felt.

When later interviewed, the governor retracted his statement, apologized, and said that what had appeared very may have been an extra terrestrial ship. But the damage had already been done, and for all we know, he may have been instructed and forced to play out that behavior as a way to dismiss the events that had transpired that night.

What can we do?

Thankfully there is hope. More and more people are having sightings, and the evidence is overwhelming to the point where disclosure will have to happen. And in a way, it already has, and then some.

Meet Steven M. Greer, MD. the Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC.

"Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over one billion people heard of the press conference through the original webcast and on subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online – the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time." - From the CSETI Website, http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/about-us/

Dr. Greer has released a documentary that we would highly recommend watching. Karen and I can easily attest to this being one of the best put together pieces on the ET subject today bar none:

Sirius is available to watch on Netflix and available for purchase on their website. Interestingly enough, if you read the reviews, you will notice a rather interesting mix of high reviews, or extremely suspect low reviews. The following reviewer explains it perfectly:

A blatant attempt to suppress the obvious. Say what you want about Dr. Greer, but between the hundreds of hours of military and non-military witness testimony, it's hard to dismiss the obvious. Like the reviewer said above, watch it yourself and decide if it resonates.

Karen and I are now part of CSETI and watch Dr. Greer's work very closely and plan to travel with him on one of his yearly workshops one day. We work with ET's on a regular basis, both with and without meditation work and encourage others to do the same.

The subject of ET's is one that Karen and I could speak on for hours on end on just our personal experiences alone - Here in Colorado we are considered the capitol of UFO activity and for good reason. Karen and I personally see UFO's in broad daylight almost every day either on our way to work, or back, or sometimes even both.

The main key point here is clear: We are not alone. We have not been alone in a very, very long time. The evidence and the experiences are so vast that even if 1% of them were true, that would be enough. People will either mock it out of their programming, their fear of the unknown or anywhere in between and that is OK. Learning not to judge these people is a challenge in and of itself, but it is their path and you cannot force someone to see something they refuse to see.

The ET subject is no longer a debate - it is common sense. All it takes is a little research and an open mind to realize that the beings here - they are here to help. Will there be opposition? Absolutely. From more than one direction. Whether you choose to come at them with anger and fear, or unconditional love - is ultimately up to you.

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Sebastian Korwal
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