Starving for Love ABQ Rescue Mission

Poverty of the soul.

We have all been created with a need for more than just food, water, clothing, and shelter. There is a craving in all of us for LOVE.

It is possible to have money in the bank, a home, wear the latest fashion, possess the best technology and still be poor.

Missing a living relationship with God.

For over 60 years, the Albuquerque Rescue Mission has been helping people in need find a living relationship with the God who has been pursuing them.

Every day, we show the love of God to our guests by providing tangible life-saving services. Every meal, night of shelter, and piece of clothing is proof that God loves them. That we value them. That they are not forgotten and alone in this world.

We love God because He first loved us.

Love changes everything. As we near Holy Week, we remember that we are in the family of God today because He GAVE us His best - His only Son.

Our Father demonstrated His love. He did more than talk. He acted. He sacrificed, served, and loved.

Love is more than a feeling. Love is an action.

We invite you to join us in showing God's love to the broken and needy today. The compassion that wells up in your soul to help those in need is God's love longing to be unleashed on a world full of hopeless and lonely people.

Let God's love out. Let it flow.

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