Our Earth It's like an onion

LO: To be able to label the core, mantle and crust, and atmosphere.
The thin layer of gas that surrounds the crust and contains all the air we breathe is the atmosphere.

LO: To describe the properties of the layers of the Earth and relate these properties to them being solid, liquid or gas.

The thin rocky crust is broken up into pieces called the tectonic plates.

The thin rocky crust is broken up into pieces called the tectonic plates. The Earth’s crust, its atmosphere and oceans are the only sources of the resources that humans need and the only ones we can access.
The Mantle has the properties of a solid, but can flow very slowly like a liquid.
The Earth's inner core is solid and made out of Iron and Nickel. This gives the Earth it's magnetic field.
So why is the Earth like an onion?
Created By
Mr Morton

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