F.A.BU.LA. Financial And Business Learning Activities

1st Transnational meeting - Naples Italy 28th - 29th October 2015
Suggestive images of Naples, one of the most beautiful cities in Italy, whose historical center is a UNESCO site since 1995
Two meeting days at the Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples, a European metropolis and the main city of South of Italy.
From the first glance, Naples seduces and captivates you with its spectacular colours that you experiene and "imprint in your mind".
The wonderful historical, artistic and archaeological heritage is an intrinsic part of the city...
Alleys, narrow streets, historical buildings
... castles ...
... squares ...
Great restaurants & pizzerias where visitors can enjoy the exquisite, traditional dishes of the local cuisine.
A perfect mix of tradition and folklore
Naples is a city on the sea...
.... a place full of light yet with dark, hidden foundations

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