español Señor Ladd

el 22-26 de febrero de 2016

lunes, el 22 de febrero

español 1

Substitute today. There are two worksheets on classroom. Complete them on your own paper and write all sentences. Then, complete the puzzle handouts. Turn everything in at the end of the period.

español 2

Substitute today. Please complete your group project. We will present tomorrow.

español 3

Substitute today. Please work on your group projects. Remember that we will begin presenting on March 8th.

martes, el 23 de febrero


You will:

Identify and repeat weather vocabulary.

Associate Spanish vocabulary with the objects they represent by deducing meaning of pictures and photos and answering questions during an interactive oral story.

Recall and write a paragraph from memory using newly acquired vocabulary with 60% accuracy.

español 2

Unidad 3- Rutina diaria, la ropa y de compras

You will:

Identify routines, body parts, clothing and other unit one vocab by working in groups to create an original caricature and label a drawing’s body parts, clothing and daily routine in the preterit tense.

español 3

You will:

Recall Spanish vocabulary and grammar by watching an authentic telenovela.

Recall important plot points by writing a review of episode 5 in Spanish.

miércoles, el 24 de febrero

español 1

You will:


Identify and repeat weather vocabulary.

Predict meanings of new vocabulary by using context clues when reading a written story.

Restate the main points of the story by answering comprehension questions.

español 2

You will:

Identify routines, body parts, clothing and other unit one vocab by working individually to create an original caricature and label a drawing’s body parts, clothing and daily routine in the preterit tense.

español 3

You will:

Recall the conjugations of future tense verbs in Spanish by listening to and taking notes during a lecture.

Adapt her or his knowledge of Spanish verbs and future tense by creating an original story using prompts and creating comprehension questions for another group’s story.

jueves, el 25 de febrero

español 1

You will:

Identify and repeat weather vocabulary.

Identify locations in our school by answering questions in a group setting.

Utilize new and familiar vocabulary to construct a schedule and list of materials needed for a new students by writing a paragraph and comprehension questions and reading it aloud to groupmates.

español 2

You will:

Identify routines, body parts, clothing and other unit one vocab by working individually to create an original caricature and label a drawing’s body parts, clothing and daily routine in the preterit tense.

español 3

You will:

Record the story of "los hermanos héroes" by taking notes during a short video.

Analyze the story of "los hermanos héroes" by answering comprehension question.

viernes, el 26 de febrero

español 1

You will:

Recall the Unit 2 vocabulary by completing a multiple choice quiz.

español 2

You will:

Identify routines, body parts, clothing and other unit one vocab by working individually to create an original caricature and label a drawing’s body parts, clothing and daily routine in the preterit tense.

español 3

You will:

día de las ciencias

¡Que tengan un buen fin de semana!

Created with images by frankieleon - "Explored: color my world" • LifeSupercharger - "Colors (47/365)" • Ishrona - "Art in Colors" • Andreanna Moya Photography - "Color My World-Day 24/365" • ErikaMuth - "color chalk india" • PublicDomainPictures - "bright closeup color" • PublicDomainPictures - "background bobbin color"

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