Evaluating Candidates as Manager Role: Manager

Please Note: The images below were taken from a system other than your own. The functionality is the same across all systems, but the design, buttons, and text may be different from yours.

The purpose of this document is to show how a hiring manager would evaluate and select candidates then pass them back to HR to extend an offer.

On the right hand side of the screen when logged in as a manager you will see the applicants that have been released to you and are awaiting your evaluation. Click on the applicant you wish to evaluate.

Here you will be able to see the applicants information along with HR's evaluation of that candidate. You can schedule an interview by using the information found under the contact data for that candidate.

If you would like other members of your team to evaluate a candidate you can click the "Forward to 3rd party" link which will provide an area for a team member to evaluate the candidate.

Add your assessment of the candidate under the "Interview Meeting Notes" by clicking the pencil. Once you complete this you can click the "Submit Manager Evaluation".

Send email or meet with HR to discuss and select a candidate.

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