The Owl Oracle February, 2016

Update from Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Gilbert

This is School Choice Open Enrollment time. Everyone who currently attends Watergrass Elementary School on school choice is required to complete a new application for the 2015-16 school year. The application can be found on the district website.

The Florida Standards Assessments for grades 3-5 in Writing, ELA and Math, as well as FCAT 2.0 Science, are quickly approaching. Ensuring your child is in attendance during these dates allows them to take the assessment in their regular setting, so please keep the dates on the calendar in mind when planning appointments, early checkouts, etc. We will be under tight deadlines for completion. Also, be on the lookout for informational letters to come home as these dates near for important updates – including more specific dates for certain assessments. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

If Ms. Gilbert or I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Gilbert fit in some work time into BINGO night!

The Burrowing Owls Kindergarten

Hi Parents! February is a busy month in kindergarten! Can you believe that the 100th Day of School is approaching, this Friday, February 5? We have fun activities scheduled, including a family project creating a cape. We are asking that each child create a cape with 100 objects attached to it. Your child’s teacher is sending home information regarding this. Please make sure to send in the cape by Thursday, February 4. This will allow us to ensure that every child has a cape ready for the 100th Day of School! We also will be having a Valentine Day card exchange on Friday, February 12. Be on the lookout for a class list coming home in your child’s communication folder. Please remember us next time you visit the grocery store and pick us up some snack. Our kinders are extremely busy throughout the day and by the end of the day, a small snack is just what they need! Thanks for all of your help and support!

Mrs. Compton's kinders enjoying lunch in the cafeteria.

The Pygmy Owls- 1st grade

We would like to congratulate our citizen of the month Leileni Moore! Last month, we celebrated good behavior with a hands-on science experiment. Students were able to make their own slime to take home. During the ELA block, students will be reading non-fiction literature. We will be focusing on plants. Students will learn the life cycle of various plants. Students will write to tell facts learned. At this time, students should be reading at a 1B level. Please continue to read and practice power words nightly. It is important for your child to be practicing his/her math facts to 10. You can purchase flash cards at the Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, or you can make your own. We are in need of more glue sticks. If you are able to donate, please send in the glue sticks to your child’s teacher. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

The Eagle Owls 2nd grade

The second graders have been studying how immigrants become a part of our country. They will make historical connections and learn how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Please read each evening with your children so they can practice their power goals. In Math we are continuing to work on addition and subtraction fact fluency to 20. We will be studying weather in Science.

The Eagle Owls are planning a field trip to Crystal Springs on February 29, 2016. Please make sure you return the permission form and fee by February 12th. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.


In Humanities (e.g., reading, writing, social studies embedded), students have started Unit 3: Seeking Explanations. Through communication and collaboration, learners will build upon their learning in the previous unit as they begin to understand reasons and explanations as to how and why things occur in nature and become aware of how people use stories to explain their world. Writers will understand that opinions and points of view are supported with valid, relevant and sufficient evidence. They will write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. Writers will understand that appropriate style and structure for an audience is strengthened through the revisions in the writing process with support from adults and peers. They understand that related information goes together when presenting a topic, with facts, definitions, and details. They will continue to use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

To support writing, readers will understand how authors organize their ideas and develop concepts by analyzing literary and informational texts. Through the study of informational texts (historical, scientific, and technical), readers will understand a variety of text structures and use specific information to describe the relationship between events, procedures, ideas or concepts including what happened and why. Readers will be able to use knowledge of text features and search tools to efficiently locate information relevant to a given topic.

Foundationally, learners will be able to identify and know the meaning of most common prefixes and derivational suffixes, and decode words with common Latin suffixes. Students will understand strategies for breaking a word apart into syllables in order to decode unknown words. Learners will be able to read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words, and read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

In Math, we have started Unit G: How can I use a number Line and Shapes to Represent Parts of a Whole? Students need to: Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part as 1/4 of the area of the shape; Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b; Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram; Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line; and Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line.

Each student receives a weekly POWER GOAL that they need to be working on. Please make sure your child is reading for at least 30 minutes nightly while working on their POWER GOAL. Ask your child about their POWER GOAL and how they are trying to reach it.

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete a Pasco County Volunteer Application located on the Pasco County Schools website. Please check and sign your child’s planner nightly as more details about the information stated and others will be going home.

Spotted owls 4th Grade

Just a few notes from the Spotted Owls! We are continuing to prepare for the FSA Writing Test. This state writing test will take place on Monday, February 29, 2016. It is important that your child gets good rest the night before, eats a nutritious breakfast that morning and arrives at school on time. Please give your child some positive encouragement as they make their way to school on that important day. Testing will begin at 10:00 AM. If you have any questions about this writing exam, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

"Achoo!" It is time to replenish some of our team supplies. Tissues are in short supply as allergy and the cold season has depleted our supply. Anything you donate is greatly appreciated. Some students need new folders with pockets and prongs. We could use some more pencils as well. Thank You!

How is that STEM Fair project coming along? The scientific process is surely a great learning experience for the students. Projects are due on February 24th!

Our 4th graders will not be having a Valentines Day Party, however, they have an opportunity to bring valentines for their classmates and share them at the end of the day on Friday, February 12th. There will be a short note sent home very soon about this. If they choose to bring valentines we ask that they bring one for everyone in their class to avoid anyone feeling left out.

Showing KINDNESS was the character trait for the month of January. Juliet Bronschidle from Ms. Preston’s class was chosen for Citizen of the Month. Speaking kind words and showing kind actions is so important. Keep it up boy and girls!

The great grays fifth grade

The Great Greys are eager to bring your attention to some exciting events that have taken place for our fifth graders. First we would like to thank our students for all of their hard work in the second quarter. The students who met all of their responsibilities as a Great Grey Owl were rewarded at a Behavior Bash with hot cocoa and peppermint sticks! The GGO students who met their second quarter Accelerated Reader Goals were also rewarded with a pizza party! We have some exciting events coming up for the month of February as well, including an FSA Pep Rally and a visit from the Weightman Middle School Band.

We will be starting a new science unit in our Fusion science books. This unit is all about Space. Please continue to have your child review their science notes nightly to instill good study habits. The students should be finishing their work on their STEM Fair projects. All students are encouraged to follow the description of this project along with a copy of the rubric for due dates. Please note that final projects are due on February 12th. We are working on a math unit on Measurement. Remember, math fluency is vital for your child’s success in math. Please continue to work on automaticity of multiplication facts. Students can utilize Khan Academy, Xtra Math, or ThinkCentral to assist with their math fluency.

Continue to promote good reading habits with your child. Students have an individual reading power goal to help them track their successes in their level. Ask your child what their POWER GOAL is and please use this power goal to work with your child at home during their 30 minutes of reading each night. Reading logs are due each Friday! We also would like to encourage our 5th graders to read nonfiction text in order to expand their vocabulary knowledge.

Students have Florida Standards Assessments coming in Reading, Math and Writing as well as the FCAT Science Assessment. The first assessment coming up is FSA Writing, which will be given on 2/29. Students have been working hard on getting prepared for this test. The three main categories that they will be scored on are Focus/Purpose/Organization, Evidence/Elaboration and Conventions. Students have been provided with the tools to do well on this assessment. Please remember to encourage a good night sleep on the day before the assessment and hearty and healthy breakfast the day of!

Finally, please remember that student planners need to be signed daily. We'd also like to remind students to continue to work to their full potential in all areas. There will be another celebration at the end of the quarter for students that have received 80% of their quarterly stamps. Encourage your child to give their best effort all of the time. Good Luck 5th graders!

The elf owls

Students in Mrs. Litgen’s class have had some exciting events taking place during second semester! Of special note, parents and/or caretakers of the Elf Owls were invited to a PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) Parent Night! Parents and/or caretakers were taught how to implement PECS and other communication strategies to help our students use functional communication. Thank you to all those who participated!

Starting Friday, January 29th, Watergrass students began having the opportunity to purchase various items from the Elf Owl School Store (Fundraiser)! Please remember, cash only. Mrs. Litgen’s class will utilize valuable independent living skills and academic skills while running the school store. Finally, the Elf Owls are gearing up for the 2016 Special Olympics on Friday, February 26th! We are looking forward to bringing back lots of Special Olympics ribbons!

Music Notes

Our 4th & 5th grade students are busy working on our upcoming spring musical, “Compose Yourself.” It will be presented Friday, April 22nd at 7:00 PM at the Center for the Arts at Wesley Chapel High School. Get those permission slips in!

A note from Mrs. Knott

The kiln has been fixed and the rest of the clay sculptures will be coming home! PLEASE REMEMBER TO DRESS YOUR KIDS “ART APPROPRIATE” on their art days as we are continuing to use water-color and tempura paint.

January Students of the Month... it's COOL to be KIND!

Counselor's corner

meredith ward, guidance counselor

I hope everyone enjoyed our first official “Kindness Week”. It was fun to see students trying to check off items from their Kindness checklists, and spreading positivity around our school. Let’s keep the Kindness going! I will continue delivering Safer, Smarter Kids classroom lessons in K-3, and look forward to spending some more time with 4th and 5th grade as well. If you have a concern about your child, or if I can help in any way do not hesitate to call or email me. Don’t forget about the WGES 5K next month. Come out and support our Girls Running Group members who have been working hard to prepare for this race!

Kindess week, January 25-29
WGES first annual KINDESS WEEK!
testing calendar
  • 4th &5th Grade FSA Writing: February 29th
  • 3rd & 4th Grade Reading: March 30 & March 31
  • 3rd Grade Math: April 1 & April 4
  • 4th Grade Reading: April 11 & April 15
  • 5th Grade Science: April 11 & April 12
  • 5th Grade Reading: April 18- April 22
  • 5th Grade Math: April 25- April 29
February Dates to remember
  • February 15- No School, President's Day
  • February 17- PTA Family Night at McDonalds
  • February 19- Progress Reports go home
  • February 26- Special Olympics
  • February 29- Eagle Owl Field Trip to Crystal Springs

Parent survey

In an effort to improve system practices, Pasco County School District is conducting a Parent Survey. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey. In order to complete the survey, please go to: Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

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