Redemption abq rescue mission | saved from the streets

Rob was a dental technician and managed his own lab. He grew up in a Christian home. He had a young family. But Rob had a secret life - doing pills and heroin. "I was a functioning addict" Rob says. The more money he made, the more drugs he could consume.

Over time, Rob's life began to unwind. His relationship with his family began to suffer because of his drug addiction. He got in trouble at work and ended up losing his job. Rob's parents didn't want him around because he was stealing from them. When he needed money for drugs, his girlfriend would sell her body to support their habit.

Rob was living on the streets of Albuquerque. He would sleep in abandoned shacks and steal food from supermarkets to survive. "I didn't know that places like the Albuquerque Rescue Mission existed" Rob says. "I was too ashamed of myself to ask someone if I could shower or wash my clothes at their place - even if it were a public place." So, without a shower and dirty, day after day, he would have to wear the same filthy clothes.

Eventually, Rob had enough. He was tired of living on the streets. "I told my mom I wanted help" he says. "I had never heard of places like the Albuquerque Rescue Mission" Rob says "I didn't know it existed." Rob's mother had heard of the Rescue Mission at her church and brought him to the New Life Program for men.

"I got a text message by mistake once" Rob remembers "that said 'Only Jesus can give you peace.'" Looking back on it now, Rob sees all the times God was speaking to him. He now knows the the loving hand of God pursuing him, even into the pit of despair and rescuing him.

"I don't have to sleep on the streets anymore." Rob says with a smile. "The Albuquerque Rescue Mission is not just a place to spend the night but a place where you find structure and they actually restore you." Rob is rebuilding his connection to his family and children and has hope for the future.

As the Easter season approaches, we reflect on the ultimate act of love, a holy God giving His only Son for sinful man. That's love - giving, acting, sacrificing for the good of someone in need. We needed a Savior - something we could not provide for ourselves. Our loving, gracious, Heavenly Father provided what we needed.

What does God require of us? To love others as He loved us. All around Albuquerque, your neighbors are in need. They are in need of shelter, food, education, medicine, and most of all, a Savior.

When you give to the Albuquerque Rescue Mission, you give a part of yourself to help meet the needs of your neighbors who are weak. You are providing help for every part of them - spirit, mind, and body.

Thank you for your partnership.

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