Beauty of the Bay Angel Huang


When you capture a photo, you don't really realize the small details unless you take a closer look. That's when the "elements and principles of photography" play a role in changing how your eyes interpret a photo and how your perception on every day things change overall. I see photography as letting someone else see what you see that they don't see. The most interesting and beautiful photos aren't the ones that are perfectly constructed, but are the ones that are taken serendipitously. My collection consists of a lot of the popular and beautiful parts of San Francisco that aren't recognized as often as they should be. I hope to share how I feel about my city to whoever hasn't had the chance to explore here on their own. Each photo represents an individual adventure that I have experienced in order to capture that photo. Photography allows not only me, but many others to reminisce and feel nostalgic. Hopefully, everyone feels the same way. San Francisco is truly amazing and beautiful in so many indescribable ways.


"No visit to the United States would be complete without San Francisco – this beautiful city, center of the West, very well known for its beauty and the place where the United Nations was born." (Queen Sirikit of Thailand)

Mt. Davidson

Sutro Baths

Kirby Cove

Ocean Beach

Botanical gardens

Stow lake

Ferry building


andy goldsworthy's woodline

palace of fine arts

bay bridge

corona heights

pacific heights

andy goldworthy's spire




I believe that photography is a creative way to interpret ones perspective. If you were to ask different people to take a picture of the same exact object or view, each photo would look different and contain its own aesthetics. One of the reasons I love photography is that it has its own way of showing how everyone can see the same thing but have their own different interpretations. Every time I go out to take photos, it's like another adventure full of the serendipitous photos. San Francisco is a great place to be and its filled with many locations to explore. Out of all of the SFMOMA artists', I've been most inspired by Victor Landweber. My work is fairly similar to his in a way where we capture our perceptions of beauty in certain angles or patterns. For Landweber, his style is focused on a main idea that catches the attention of the viewer right away and provides an aspect to represent the beauty of the location all in one photo. For me, I capture the entire location itself instead of capturing objects to represent the beauty of the location. This project has really opened up my eyes to explores the principles and elements of photography.

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