Fix Your Face b-sides • 7 february

When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him. Exodus 34:30



1. What veils do you think you sometimes hide behind, or try to force on others?

2. How can you take steps to let others' faces shine with God's glory?

3. What scares you about God's presence?

When God comes near, your face can't hide it.
This glow isn't going anywhere.

God, the cloud of your presence is revelatory, but frightening. Your closeness is overwhelming, excruciating, but this touch of yours is exactly the way of life. Your glory reflected in our faces is the strength we need for the journey in Lent, and through our lives. Give us courage to turn to you, to allow your light to expose all of ourselves and our lives. Melt away worry, and replace it with confidence. Touch the bodies of the sick, and by your healing, astonish us. Pick up the broken and thrown down, the discarded and forgotten, and place them in the midst of your light. Finally, give us humility and wisdom to be part of this, your kingdom. Amen.

Created with images by Daniel Arrhakis - "The Other Face Of Marcus Aurelius" • Mel B. - "Hannah's face" • Susbany - "laburnum anagyroides pea family close-up"

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