Mira and the elephant written by Eva

Trees swayed and bent in the wind, Mira was hot and bothered as a bead of sweat trickled down her neck as She swiftly strolled alongon the grassy plains. The wind made a swishing noise just like an animal stroking the grass. She was holding a dark wooden basket with some curry in it, to get away from the business of India was really nice for Mira. Her sari was floating like a bird soring in the pale blue sky. As she looked in the distance all she could see was grass and a little grey shape which looked as if it was moving, like a little mouse, but she knew it wasn't that small in reality. She started to move closer and closer and when she did the grey shape started to get clearer. It got bigger and bigger and as it turned to look at her she could see that it was a magnificent elephant.

As she approached the Indian elephant, a wild one, Mira saw the wonderful eyes on the elephant as she reaches out to feed it some apples. Very camly the elephant strokes Mira with her trunk, then the elephant lifts her up and then she lifts the basket on her back too.Mira strokes her and then she starts walking off. Mira opened Her basket and The wonderful smell of curry drifted through the air as Mira opened the container.Mira took some curry and ate it very slowly savouring each delicious bite and you could still smell the sent of curry while the lid was closed, and it left stains on the tips of her fingers.

Suddenly Mira relises that They were LOST. Gently she stroked the elephant and whispered "we're lost" to the beautiful grey elephant. The elephant was surprised and didn't know her way back.Trees started to sway as the moon went up.A howl spreded along the air like a swarm of bees flying in the sky.Anxiously shivers crept up and she started to get cold, Mira didn't like being alone outside in the darkness even though she was with the elephant, "I'm scared" she mutters climbing off the elephant. Amazingly out of the darkness Someone said hello in a cheery type of way.It was a goblin . Next to him was a tiny little basket. "Here you go," he said. Mira was confused and scratched her head. "Whhat" She said softly still confused. "Take it" he said agian, so Mira took it. Opening the basket she saw some ruby red apples, hey and somthing that said "I can take you home." Happily Mira said, "can you?" The goblin said yes, then he smirked. He said something to do with Indian rupees that Mira didn't understand. 10 seconds later Mira was home.

The elephant and the goblin came with her, exited to meet her family. She named the elephant Sari and the goblin said his name was Sedink. Rushing out was her mother and father, pleased to see her before it was pitch black. "Did u make curry" she said. "Yes" said her farther while her mother hands some to her. "Can I keep Sari the elephant". "Of course". So it'sBack to the busy streets of India for Mira but her adventure has just started like a peace of cheese half eaten. Mira went on daily rides with the elephant and the goblin came along sometimes to, with a little gift for sari. "Curry" said Mira in a little chuckle. She ate some hot curry. "Yum" and gave some to Sedink, she was glad to be be back along with her family.

Created By
Eva De Luca

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