Sacred Places Native American Effigy Mounds of Wisconsin

The State of Wisconsin is home to most of the Effigy Mounds found in North America. Effigy Mounds, in the shapes of various animals (birds, bears, panthers) as well as simple shapes such as conical and linear mounds, once numbered 10,000 or more, distributed across the rivers banks and lake shores of the state. Today, most of these mounds have been destroyed, obliterated by 19th and 20th century farming and urban development. In the 21st century we must continue to fight to ensure the remaining mound sites, the final resting place of countless first residents of the area, are safe from descration and destruction.

Bear Mound, Sentinel Ridge, Wyalusing State Park
Mounds along Sentinel Ridge,Wyalusing State Park
Panther Mound, Lizard Mound County Park, West Bend, WI
Panther Mound, Lizard Mound County Park
Linear Mound, Lizard Mound State Park, West Bend Wisconsin
Fall Sunrise at Aztalan State Park,Wisconsin
Bear Mound and Conical Mounds, Kingsley Bend, Columbia County
Conical Mounds, Kingsley Bend, Columbia County
Conical Mound, Kingsley Bend, Columbia County

Today, archeological sites and indigenous sacred places are subject to destruction and desecration at an alarming rate. Some of the destruction is still due to modern expansion, but increasingly there is greater pressure from radical religious and political organizations seeking their total obliteration. We cannot afford to lose any more of Wisconsin's sacred places to any intentional destructive agents.

Created By
Daniel Seurer

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