Kenya with The Trumps #9 A reporting Series on VISITING Missionaries

Wednesday School Day!

The morning started with filming interviews with Shauen and Britt. 

Then it was off to Josiah's school, West Nairobi School. Today was their last day before Christmas break and the class was celebrating his birthday which is in a few days.

WNS is an American style school as you can tell from the classroom layout and the backpacks! Josiah is in Kindergarten.

Then it was time for cookie decorating! Yeah, I'm lazy, first picture is mine. Tasted great though!

The campus is gorgeous.

Then some work in the office.

In the evening we headed back to Josiah's school for a community candlelight hymn sing hosted by a local church. Lots of people in a small space because of rain, but a very cool event to be at. There were activities for kids like bounce houses and a few camels to ride, food vendors, and ice cream. Everyone was given a candle and folks sang and enjoyed.

Another awesome day here, till tomorrow...

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