Pour out your precious b-sides • 13 march 2016

"Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." John 12:3
I like to think that the dinner party was a metaphor for how we ought to do church.



1. What are you holding on to as "precious" instead of experiencing it or celebrating it with a loved one?

2. What beliefs are you holding on to about what will happen if you respectfully and joyfully share what is precious to you?

3. Is what you're giving equivalent or representative to what you are getting at Downtown Church?

4. What is one precious thing you covenant to share with someone you love this week?

Instead of showering the honored guest with an ordinary act of hospitality and welcome, she did something else - she poured out her precious.


Almighty God and King, you prepare a table before us, even in the presence of people who trouble and annoy us, even in the presence of our enemies. Your table is big enough for all kinds of people, you invite people from the highways and the streets to come in and to eat. Your food is always in abundance, your wine never runs out. Fill us up with your Spirit, your hope, your joy—the food of your kingdom. With satisfied bellies and full hearts, send us out to do the work you have given us to do. Let the candle of your Spirit be with us in every moment of our week. God we lift up to you those suffering, especially our brothers and sisters in Louisiana who are living through flooding, so vivid in our memories and so tender to our hearts. As families pour out their precious this week on members in hospital or in nursing homes, stuck at home or stuck in their heads, anoint them with your healing power. Finally God, show us Jesus. Challenge us to meet you by pouring out whatever we hold precious that it may be a fragrant offering, a joyful gift to glorify your Name. Amen.

Created with images by vagawi  - "Bottles - perfume" • webhamster - "Candle"

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