Street Art - Freiburg Part IV 25 Dec 2015

Zoolo is an amazing artist in Freiburg. In addition to several pieces on the legal walls of the city (there are several places that the city of Freiburg has designated as "legal" to promote street art), Zoolo has some commissioned projects that serve to help beautify the city.

Beat is a great artist that often collaborates with others, but will occasionally create solo pieces. I find the pieces by Beat to be very colorful and fun!

Instagram: Beat_SML

Beat and Boogie
(Cannot read) and Beat

I have not been able to find any information about Former. Former is a prolific artist who collaborates with many others in a wide variety of styles and locations.


Here is a collection of some of the local artists

Here is a series of pieces with a Halloween theme. Unfortunately, I could not make out any of the text to give credit to the artists.

The ways that Morik writes their name is simply a work of art.

While walking from the location of one of Freiburg's legal walls to another, I passed this house. This studio is beautifully painted.

I don't have any information about the artists for these paintings. They were located in a construction area so I did not have much time to look for clues. Because my sense of direction is a disaster, I will probably never find these pieces again.

This coffee piece is on the metal roll-away gate for a small cafe in Freiburg.

Here is some artwork that I found to be exceptionally colorful or creative

Agile, (Cannot read) and Former

I have learned to prepare to be knocked off my feet when I see Sare. I feel grateful to these pieces for free when then could easily be in a museum for a fee. I don't intend to exaggerate, but if you do only one thing after looking at these photos, go to Sare's Facebook page. Seriously.

Here are more photos of various artists

(Cannot red)
Mers (?)
(Cannot read)
(Cannot read)

I was taking photo soon after the Paris incident. I wish I could have photographed the wall in a single frame, but there was a steep hill of loose soil and leaves that kept me from getting enough distance.

(Cannot read)

Here are more that I found particularly intriguing.

(Cannot read)
Sire and Mesr (?)
(Cannot read)
(Cannot read)
(Cannot read)

My time in Freibrg is especially challenging, so I am glad that there exists such a vibrant urban art culture. Finding an photographing the numerous works of art in all their variety has been wonderful and helps make my stay much easier.

I extend a deep Thank You to all of the artists who share their work so freely with the public.

I tried my best to give credit to all artists. Any omissions are my mistakes alone due to the artistic complexity of some of the text.

Where possible I include additional information so that people may learn about the artists' work. If any artist wishes for me not to includeinformation about their Instagram, Facebook and/or web sites, please contact me at

All photos were taken by NoSoCold. Out of respect for the artists, no subjects were moved, adjusted or in any other way tampered with. To see more of my photos, visit @Not_So_Cold on Instagram.

Visit the Freiburg Street Art page on Facebook

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