INSCAPES We see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well.


Entered oil patch

National grasslands - shaver lake. Set up tent. Only person around was archery dude. Drive through watford city. Parked on side of road and climbed up shoulder ride to look at river/road of oil - lots of giant trucks racing by Found man camps and giant flare on gravel country road. Waited for sunset. Photographed flare from multiple angles- scary loud noise, chemical smell, giant truckers racing by on diet road, very cold, illuminated hay bales. Photographed night time man camp reflection in ditch Photographed drilling rig by side of road- scary trucks racing by. Drove back to grasslands. Scared someone had invaded tent- no one was there Scary dinner of chili and bread in dark no camp fire Spooky night filled with strange animal noises and coyote howls- invented Shazanimal app concept


There is no line between the real world and the world of myth and symbol. Objects, sensations, hit with the impact of hallucination. - William S. Burroughs


Michigan theatre exploration- Michigan building 1960s abandoned office maybe squatters in there? Many unlocked doors.

James George, Lisbeth Kaufman

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