About Dr. Deb Wellness Warrior


I am passionate about my family! They are the reason that I place self-care as a priority. I want to be around for them and leave a legacy of health and vitality. I want to play with my grandkids without being limited physically. I realize that I only influence people, including my family, with my example. Thus I choose my habits wisely, realizing that my habits determine my life. I choose to take care of me. I choose to love my family by loving myself enough to do everything within my power to maintain my health.

This is me hanging (literally) with my granddaughter Aviana. My family brings me such joy!

Me and my best friend, husband, and business partner Tim! He is the wind beneath my wings! The fulfillment of my dream would not be possible without his encouragement, belief in me, creativity and love!

Dr. Deb's experience includes:

- 20+ years teaching people how to reclaim their health - body, soul & spirit

- Bachelor of Science – University of Louisville

- Naturopathic Doctor & Counselor of Natural Health – College of Natural Health

- Professional Health Coach – HealthCoachingU

- Certified Health Minister – Back to the Garden Health Ministry/Hallelujah Acres

- Competent Communicator – Toastmasters, International

- International speaker on wellness & personal growth

- Certified instructor with Learning Strategies on Living the Law of Attraction and Abundance for Life

I got the honor of speaking at the 2015 Florida Dental Association conference and was published in their annual magazine - Today's FDA!
Teaching a group at the Florida Dental Association 2015 Conference!


I love animals! My husband Tim and I have 3 furry kids - two dogs, Dexter and Stella, and one fat cat, Molly. I hate, yes I said hate, the way animals are raised for food in our world. They are not treated as live beings, but as things. Companies subject the animals to horrible living conditions and inhumane slaughtering methods. There are more than 56 billion animals killed every year in the United States alone for food, not including seafood.

I have been plant-based for 40 years which means I have saved about 8,000 animal lives so far! That is something that I am proud of!

I urge you to check out what is happening to the animals that end up on your plate. If you are OK with the way they are treated and killed, then that's fine. I just believe that you should be aware of the truth. When you partake in anything, you give tacit agreement. "Know before you agree", don't you think? People believe that ignorance is bliss. It isn't! When you consume these animals, you absorb the negative energy of these tortured creatures. I am suggesting that you decide if that's what you want to do beforehand. You vote with your wallet. Make sure you are voting for something that you agree with!


I believe you were created with a purpose and that purpose evolves over your lifetime. You can summit that mountain called Peak Health one step at a time. I encourage and equip you on your journey. The view from the top is amazing. Take the first step today and begin the journey. You will be so happy you did! Today is the first day of the rest of your life! Make it count! I believe in you and your ability to make a difference in our world! Let's go!

For more resources and recipes, head over to HealthPeak!

A few shots of me teaching to various crowds. I am passionate about the message of vitality and health!

I have included a few photos of the people who have impacted my life the most! I share these photos so you can get to know me a bit and realize that I am just like you, a daughter, mom, grandmom, friend, and fellow sojourner on Planet Earth. I am grateful for the influence each of these people has made on me! Along with many others, they have helped mold me into who I am today. Thank you!

Me and my precious Mom! Without her & her love, I wouldn't be here! She taught me much about life & especially mothering. She passed away in 2011 at the age of 90 years.
Me & my daddy in 1983. He passed away in 1989 at the young age of 74. I had not discovered at that point how powerful nutrition could be in the reversal of disease. I feel that I could have helped him had I only known!
I am #6 of 7 siblings, the next to the youngest. My older brother Bobby died in a tragic car accident in 1968. I am grateful to my siblings for all they did and continue to do to enhance my life! I love being a part of a large family and I love my siblings!
Our 5 beautiful kids, who along with Tim, are my inspiration. I dedicate this retreat to them and hope that I can play a small part in creating a better world for them and future generations!
Girl Power - me with my 3 daughters, Cristina, Jen & Jillian!
With our daughter Cristina and her beautiful family!
Having some fun with our son Enrique in San Francisco!
With our daughter Jillian's 3 precious babies!
With our daughter Jen and her wonderful family!
My mother and father-in-loves, BJ & Jay. They are two of the most positive, encouraging people I know. Their love means the world to me!
Me and my best friend since 1962! I learned much about life while growing up with Ann. I am grateful that we are still friends! Friends make life more enjoyable!
My BFF and fellow Wellness Warrior, Dr. Carol Watson. She inspires and encourages me to reach my full potential. I am grateful God brought her into my life in 1997!
My spiritual mentor and amazing friend Ramona. She is always there for me and is one of my biggest cheerleaders!
My young friend and "adopted daughter". I met Nicole in 2005 when I gave a health talk to her youth group. She was the only teenager who "got it" and I've had the privilege of mentoring her ever since. She has become a fellow Wellness Warrior impacting her sphere.

Please note - Dr. Deb does not diagnose, prescribe or treat any disease or illness! Well.Farm does not accept insurance. Some plans may cover weight loss programs. Check with your insurance for specifics. We are a private pay center only.

Created By
Deb Harrell, ND

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