Amazonia Peru 2016

Map of the river trip

Bullet Ant

Leaf Katydid

Pink-toed Tarantula

Green Tree Iguana

River Dolphins

Pink River Dolphin
Gray River Dolphin

River Boats

River boats

Dugout canoe

Fisherman with his catfish catch


Pygmy Marmoset
Night or Owl Monkey
Bolivian Squirrel Monkey
Red Howler Monkeys

Monk Saki Monkey

Saddle Backed Tamarin Monkey

Three Towed Sloth

Three Towed Sloth

Long-nosed Bat


River Village

Village chief with harvested guava

Shaman with his cure aids

Iquitos and the Market at Nauta

Giant Water Lilies

Fishing for Piranha

One of our Naturalists

Views of the Rainforest

Juan explaining the use of termites as insect repellent

Anaconda and Red Tailed Boa


Frogs and Turtles

Clouds and Sunsets

Lunch al fresca

"The Chunky Monkeys" or "Rick Jaguar and the Rolling Bones" or "The Dung Beatles"

The Estrella, the most beautiful riverboat on the Amazon

Created By
Jack Ahearn
Jack Ahearn Photography Freddy Avalos

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