Just Love One Another b-sides | 24 April 2016

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
To just love one another is a daily struggle that reminds me that I'm not always who I say I am, that love demands vulnerability, and that love is synonymous with sacrifice. I gotta give something up to just love another.



1. Have you ever received a gift you really didn't want, or maybe even didn't think of as a gift when you received it? What happened later? Has its significance changed for you?

2. What do you think it means that when the disciples ask to stay with Jesus--to go with him--he gives them this "gift," the command to love one another? What is Jesus trying to do?

3. What is one way you can practice God's command to "love one another" this week?

And ever since then we've been fussing with the simple gift. Adding qualifiers and footnotes, clauses and commas, as we try to make the parting gift something we can actually take home, something we want to keep.
Created with images by my little red suitcase - "balloons in the park" • Matsukin - "DSCN2788.JPG" • Matsukin - "DSC_0338.JPG"

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