Jungle Bar


Their mission was simple: to build a company that would produce food products made with edible insects, with the goal of normalizing insects as a food source in the western world.

Delicious, truly

Cricket flour is a tasty source of sustainable nutrition, packed with protein, healthy omega-3 fats, and micronutrients such as calcium and fiber. The flour Jungle Bar uses to make their bars is Eco-Cert certified organic.

Cricket flour provides highly bio-available animal protein at the ecological expense of less energy-intensive vegetable proteins. This makes it much more sustainable than other animal proteins.

They start with sustainably raised crickets, which are slow roasted to bring out their nutty, toasted flavor. Then they mill them into a fine flour that becomes the basis of the delicious Jungle Bar. And even though they contain crickets, they don't taste like crickets.

They taste like incredible crispy chocolatey cranberry goodness.

SRP: $3.00

With exclusive retail distribution in the US -

it's time to join the insect powered nutrition revolution

Created By
Product Conscious

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