Choose Your Own Adventure Stories use student blogs to improve your students writing

Use a Choose Your Own Adventure Story format to increase your students' writing outcomes. Set them the homework task to write a chapter a week while supporting their writing skills with lessons in class and watch them become motivated and engaged with narrative writing.

Personal Student Blog

Students write a chapter each week. At the end of each chapter they must give three possible outcomes for the following chapter.

Make sure the start of each chapter includes a recap pf the previous week

Encourage your students to write exciting options so as to make it more exciting for their readers.

Each week readers vote on the option they like the best.

Recruit parent volunteers to act as readers and commentators each week to ensure your students receive enough votes for each chapter

Parents love to comment too
This student had 11 votes this week
Student image

Encourage students to add their own original illustrations and photographs as they help to add another dimension to their writing.

Some stories can get a little wild and spot the spelling mistake!


Student Reflection

YES YES YES!!! I thought this would be awful to start with, as I do not really like writing, but it turned out to be AWESOME!!! I have been able to improve my writing thanks to this 'project' and I found it fun, especially since it was CYOA. I liked how we needed to be flexible, as our stories could go many different ways...

Like to learn more? Check out our class blog at the link below.

Created By
Henrietta Miller

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