Diary of Pinup Evolution My adventures with Pam

As Pam travels to Las Vegas this week to attend the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly festival (www.vivalasvegas.net) and compete in the pinup contest, I thought I would put together a blog post chronicling our adventures together with pinup over the last 3 years. It's fun to see how far I've come and also how much farther I have to go. Thank you Pam for your patience with me and for being such a great friend and model. Good Luck this week!!!

If you haven't already, please click the link below and give her Facebook page a look, a like and wish her good luck. Thanks!

When I was first starting out, I had less than zero experience shooting any kind of retro or pinup themes. Although we had talked online about shooting together, I first met Pam at a roaring 20's group shoot. The results of which are bottom center. After that, we setup a shoot to try and do some pinup work. Thankfully, Pam is unbelievably patient as I worked to learn how to shoot Pinup and Retro. In this first block are the results of that first shoot.
We had so much fun that first shoot, I somehow talked Pam into coming back multiple times to let me practice on her.
Over time, I developed a great friendship with Pam and her husband Dan.
We ventured out to Milwaukee's Riverwalk in the summer of 2014 and had a great shoot with Pam, Kiki and I.
The great ideas kept coming, thank god I got a little better and due to Pam's hard work, we made it into a few publications.
Shooting at the EAA Airventure last year was one of the highlights of the year for me. I've always been a warbird enthusiast and what better way to shoot them than with a pretty girl dressed up in period attire in front of them.
Cardinal White Photography

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