EVOLUTION Mobile Fingerprint identification has evolved

DataWorks Plus

a leader in law enforcement technology, presents

Evolution RAPID-ID Mobile Fingerprint Device


available exclusively from DataWorks Plus (US)

  • FBI FAP-30 Certified Single Fingerprint Sensor
  • Galaxy Android Smartphone
  • Fingerprint and Photo Capture


Evolution is based on Galaxy Android smartphone technology. The Galaxy Android phone seamlessly fits within a rugged enclosure with a built-in FBI-certified FAP 30 fingerprint scanner. It is ergonomically designed for easy gripping and for use within harsh law enforcement operating environments.

Full RAPID-ID Functionality

All RAPID-ID functionality will be accessible from the smartphone’s LCD touchscreen. It will be equipped with all industry-standard wireless communication methods, including call capability, 4G LTE Internet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS capabilities

Multi-Modal Biometric Capability

Evolution supports both fingerprint and photo capture, offering multi-modal biometric identification capability with both RAPID-ID fingerprint identification and Face Manager Plus facial recognition.

Evolution devices will not only support DataWorks Plus’ RAPID-ID application, but also other officially-supported Android applications and functions, such as Google Maps with GPS navigation capability. This sets it apart from typical RAPID-ID devices available today and allows for future development and implementation of additional Android law enforcement applications.
Available in a variety of single and duo-tone colors
Evolution - Mobile identification has evolved... don't be left behind

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