Digital Learning Roundup Week 1 : 6 Word Stories #LufkinLearns Digital Ambassadors

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Ever heard of 6 word stories? It’s a great strategy for teaching students to summarize and focus on the important parts of text. Read about them on the Discovery Education blog.

In Week 1, teachers were challenged to use an image or collage and only 6 words to share a story. The general purpose was to challenge teachers to not only become familiar with our new community but to also find their voice through a strategy and tool that could easily transfer to their classroom practice.

Click each image to view full size.
Here's an example of "6 Word Song Titles of Your Life" as featured in the Taylor Swift Exhibit at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville!
Reflections in 6 Words
More from our Ambassadors
Teachers were challenged to create using tools like Canva, PicCollage, PicMonkey or any app on their phone, device or the web!
Remember...Click to Enlarge!
As more became familiar with 6 Word Stories, ideas were shared and plenty of edits were made!
Click to enlarge each image.
The more that teachers posted, we wondered...What if we let students do this?
What could you learn from students in 6 words?
What could your students share about their learning in only 6 words?
What would your 6 word story say?
How can you use this strategy in your class?
More Resources
Share Your Story!
Created By
Rafranz Davis
Created with images by mrsdkrebs - "2012-240 #6WordMission" • crdotx - "Grow" • PublicDomainPictures - "notepad notebook paper" • PublicDomainPictures - "pencil note paper" • C!... - "Share", Lufkin ISD Digital Ambassador Community

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