Karen's Reflections - Portfolio Steps to creative, digital teaching

My name is Karen. I work as lecturer, instructional designer and coach in higher education. I studied theatre, film and tv-sciences and organisational management and I have several certificates: consulting, resilience training, media & education, to give some examples. Now I want to show you some of my learning steps created with Adobe products.

Course: Digital Creativity

I learned about the possibilities of digital creativity and I created poster, slides and little videos. And it was my first contact with Photoshop, PremierePro, InDesign, Muse and Behance.

Course: Digital Imaging

Using the image-editing software Photoshop I added myself into interesting and unlikely situations. Furthermore I created a fruit face and an anachronism, a meme. I played with long exposure and I played Photoshop Pong Pong. Here I recreated a picture a fellow player has posted: some details or creative further development.

Digital Animation

In this course I worked with Photoshop, Edge Animate and After Effects. I learned to create GIF- animation, wrap-motion, stop motion, graphic in motion and a magic carpet. That means to add a little film to a new background.

Presentation Skills - Slide - Dramaturgy

Magic Carpet: Flying through Europe- Denmark

App Design

I made it. You probably cannot image the challenge. I never heart about Brackets, PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile before. After every work I was so proud: it runs on my mobile! I loved it to create paper prototypes, a spinning wheel-app, abio- app, decision-app.

This is a paper prototype: how to train rhetoric skills for presentations. This exercise improves simultaneous speaking and thinking. It can be trained on all levels.

Here the challenge was to integrate a snap-function.

This paper prototype shows a "meme-trainer".

Creating memes, sharing them and exploring the different results opens for new perspectives and is fun.

Video Production Course

I created a title sequence, a short instructional video, a shot composition, a music video, a shot composition with numbers. I learned how to use Vimeo and YouTube.

Title sequence: presentation skills

Instructional video sequence:

Game Design

I used Fuse and Unity. It' s fabulous to create characters and an island. That's really fun.

I worked with Unity scripts: third person controller, main camera etc. And I realized a simple game idea: the character collects 10 coins to win.

Graphic Design

The focus was Adobe Illustrator. I created icons, a movie poster, a logotype, a minimal film poster, artwork for a wall.


I loved the experience: learning how to create interactive PDFs. Probably that will be my way to create step to step new digital learning concepts. I have visions of inverted classroom, project oriented learning mixed with creativ less content oriented settings. To get professional results I have to invest time too. :-)

Digital Storytelling

I'm an old fashioned mobile user and now I'm exited to get new impulses.

My story about food, told with Adobe voice.

My Portfolio: that's what you watch. :-)


Copyright: Karen Golle

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