Build Your Own Backgrounds Vivid Colors

Hand painted Bold & Vivid colored background textures with original photographic overlays.

The painted backgrounds were created with alcohol inks on Yupa watercolor paper then scanned in at a high resolution.
The photographs had selective colors removed to screen them back to semi transparent but the natural color tones were left in. Also included are 3 full texture photographs.

The combination of 2 or more of any of these files can be used to create a wide variety of unique backgrounds.

Here are just a few of the combinations you can create.

Add to your own images to create photo composites.
This composite used another texture from Topaz for the finale touch.

Like to work Big? These files are for you!


7 x Papers - 17 x 12 jpegs (5100 x 3716px) @ 300ppi

3 x Papers - 17 x 12 pngs (5100 x 3716px) @ 300ppi

7 x Photographic overlays - 17 x 12 pngs (5100 x 3716px) @ 300ppi

3 x Photographic textures - 17 x 12 jpgss (5100 x 3716px) @ 300ppi

To purchase this set please go to the link below.

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