Life With Sophie ♥ Some things sustain your body, others sustain your soul

Flash back to Mother's Day, May 2010. My instructions were to be ready by 4:00 pm - nothing more and nothing less.

A trip out of town, highway, gravel road, a farm, a garage . . . and PUPPIES! A whole lotta puppies! A bag, a leash a collar. "Pick one" . . . HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

8 little wet noses!

My first dog ever . . . My heart had no idea what was about to hit it.

Winne the Pooh once said, "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." How could he ever think he was a bear of little brains?

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakend. ~ Anatole France

I never new that puppies could "talk." In the first few years Sophie would wake us up with the most wonderful noises. My only regret is that I never captured them.

There isn't a day that her loyalty and companionship don't humble me to my core. She has opened my eyes, my world and my soul.

There's nothing Sophie likes better than cuddles. Give her a rub and you have an new firend for life.

Some of our greatest treasures we place in museums, the others we take for walks

There are no words that can possibly convey my gratitude to my family who somehow knew I needed a dog even when I didn't know it myself

Fresh Saskatoon berries right from the bush . .

I owe her so much for all of the wonders she has helped me discover. Just to think of all the early morning sunrises I would have otherwise missed, the small animal hiding in the forest I would never have known. From dusk until dawn there's never a day when she doesn't make me smile or laugh.

I've learned so much from my loyal friend. Things like;

  • Be sure to enjoy the simple pleasure of a walk and take them often, they'e food for the soul.
  • Run and play no matter how many birthday's you've had. . . You're never too old to have fun!
  • Follow your instincts! There's nothing wrong with changing your mind, or your direction for that matter.
  • Be persistent. Keep digging until you find what you're after.
  • Be patient, good things come to those who wait.
  • When life gets you down get right back up and shake it off.
  • Adventures are more fun when shared with a friend.
  • Be brave in new situations. Appear confident even when you're not.
  • Remember that every day is an adventure to be greeted head on.
  • If its not wet and sloppy, its not a real kiss.
  • There is nothing more wonderful than feeling the wind in your face.
  • Never be afraid to learn new things or to travel to new places.
  • Swim! Swim lots and just for the pure joy of it.
  • Find joy in all things. The world is full of endless treasures just waiting to be discovered.
  • Give everyone you meet your warmest welcome, you never know when you could be meeting a potential new friend!
  • Love everyone you meet with your whole heart and love them unconditionally.
  • Never forget to stand by and look out for those you love.
I have discovered such a beautiful world through her eyes
They say the eyes are the window to the soul . . . hers are the most beautiful ever
If ever there comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.

Thank you Sophie from the bottom of my heart ♥

Created By
Bev Rogan

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