MWSA Pulaski COUNTY MISSOURI History Crawl September 30 - October 2, 2016

Military Writers Society of America
Authors, Historians, Researchers, Photographers, Journalists, Bloggers, Educators

Where there are many stories waiting to be told.

Pulaski County Court House in Waynesville, MO

Waynesville, MO Businesses
Fees include a private facebook page with stories, information, list of publications open for submissions, two nights stay At Hampton Inn, two breakfasts, speakers and tours in the half-day track of your choice or a 30 plus miLe Route 66 tour with Terry Primas, and one dinner
MWSA members - $360 Non Members $380
Limited spaces. $100 deposit will hold your room. The remaining fee will be due on September 1, 2016. Contact Pat Avery at and she will invoice you.
- Enjoy Laura Huffman's story weaving session -- historical human interest stories.
- Learn about the Civil War west of the Mississippi.
- Tour the Stagecoach Stop
- Explore the Pulaski County Museum with Denise Seevers.
- Learn about crime fighting cases from former Pulaski County sheriff, JB King.
- Don't miss Terry Primas's day-long exploration of Route 66 in Missouri
- Enjoy Cellar 66 and Hoppers.
- Learn about the Trail of Tears with author Kitty Sutton and Waynesville Mayor Luge Hardman.
- Look for the Quilt Trail.
- Explore four museums and the library at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
- Enjoy lunch and wild yarns at the Elbow Inn.
- Rescue a story at the Poor Farm.
Karen Hood and Laura Huffman, Pulaski County Tourism Bureau
Beautiful, historic Pulaski County Missouri
Rare Book Library at Fort Leonard Wood

Poor Farm Cemetery where there are stories needing to be told.

One of the many souls resting whose name is known.

Karen Hood clears a lost grave stone.
Bring your comfortable shoes, a jacket, an umbrella, a camera, and a Taste for adventure!
Learn about the Cherokee Trail of Tears with author Kitty Sutton whose research has focused on this historic event from the point of view of the indian families forced to leave their homes. Your fee includes one of Kitty's young adult novels.

Author Kitty Sutton and Wheezer.
Learn about the Trail of Tears Memorial on site with Mayor "Luge" Hardman who will discuss the winter campsite in Pulaski County.

Mayor "Luge" Hardman

Cherokee Trail of Tears Monument.

Denise Seevers - Pulaski County Museum
Terry Primas and 30 + mile tour of Route 66
JB King - former sheriff, author, and Civil War era historian